After a 8am to 4pm day of free labour (placements), I got home to find the "you missed the post" slip. I was really tired so I made mum go and get my package for me - I'm a horrible daughter, I know!
From L-R: Ozotic Pro 528, 503, 521, 517, 509 and piCture pOlish Antique.
I can't wait to swatch them all! Too bad I'm doing my full-time placements at a hospital for the next 2 and a half weeks, so I can't paint my nails.
Here are some close-ups:
Ozotic Pro 517 and 509
517 is a light green linear holo, while 509 is a silver linear holo. They look really similar though...
Ozotic Pro 503 and 521
503 is a green based multichrome, and 521 is a red-purple based multichrome.
These pictures were taken in my bedroom with crappy lighting. When I get around to swatching these, I promise I'll have better pictures!