So here I was, painting my nails away as I do on a quiet night in... and I smudged my polish before it dried. I do this quite often, and generally I redo. But on this occasion I had repainted my nails about three times (because the first shade was too streaky - I'm looking at you Lemon Fizz! - and the second shade was not shiny enough - Galaxy Girl), and did not feel like redoing them again.
When I smudge my nails and I'm too lazy to redo, I use my handy little nail stickers. So this was my long-winded way of explaining why I have flowers on my thumbnail. To the review...
Rimmel I Love Lasting Finish 198 Azure:
I bought this on sale a while ago, but haven't had the time to swatch it. With exams over, I wanted to wear a bright colour, so this seemed suitable.
This polish is slightly runny but only required two coats for opacity. It comes with a flat brush, which depending on preferences may/may not be a good thing. But this brush is nowhere near as fat/flat as the Xpress 1 sec brush by Rimmel.
The colour in real life is slightly darker than in the photos, but I guess that depends on the light too. It has tiny shimmers, and is a bright blue with very slight teal leanings. "Azure" refers to the colour of the bright clear blue sky, and I think naming the shade as such is misleading because the shade of this polish is darker.
It dries quickly (but then I used Seche Vite topcoat, so this could have sped up the process), and hasn't chipped in two full days (but again, Seche Vite).

p.s. So much for not wearing bright coloured nail polish to work. I wore this to work on Monday and no-one mentioned anything. Ahahaha all the stress and removing nail polish before work for NOTHING! I'll be wearing any colour I want to work from now on (until they tell me off).
Long time no post! Exams are over, and now I have more time to dedicate to stalking online :)
Through study week and exams, I have been rather addicted to online shopping. It's not that I'm buying too many things (or maybe I am), its more that I waste so much time on staring at everything and not buy much (how I wasted pretty much half of my "study" time during exams) It is definitely a problem, and from now on I will not allow myself to waste so much time.
But the feeling you get when packages arrive... nothing can beat that!
So the first lot that arrived was MAC stuff during the study week. I bought My Highland Honey blush and Black Line Pearlglide from the A Tartan Tale collection (but haven't taken photos). I'm in love with Black Line, but have found a few cheaper dupes online and am quite unhappy I didn't find the dupes before I bought the MAC. Oh well, I love it nonetheless.
Then, in the last week of exams I received my long-awaited nail polishes. I ordered on the 22nd Oct, and received it 15th Nov so it took a while. But it felt like a reward for getting through exams (6 polishes for 6 exams)!
From L-R: China Glaze Lemon Fizz, Orly Space Cadet, Essie Mint Candy Apple, Zoya Adina, Orly Galaxy Girl, Seche Vite Top Coat. (I was ecstatic to try Space Cadet and Galaxy Girl, because I missed out on the polished from MAC Venomous Villains collection. I'm in love with Space Cadet, and am proud to say it is now my favourite polish of all time!)
And last but not least, today I received my Benefit order:
Ordered this on the 29th of Oct and received it 23rd of Nov, so delivery definitely took a LONGGGG time. So from the top clockwise, Beauty Wonderland, Confessions of a Concealaholic, D'finer D'liner, Pocket Pal and samples (Hello Flawless in Champagne and High Beam). I have never tried any Benefit cosmetics before, so I am super pleased to try out my newest arrivals. I swatched Some Kinda Gorgeous (which is in the Beauty Wonderland package), and it seems to match my skintone.
So here it is. What I purchased online over the past month! Actually there are other things, but let's keep it at that so I feel less guilty about spending all the money I've earnt.
OOOH! Exciting news: I'm doing a MAC Techniques lesson on Smokey Eyes on 15th of December. It was $120AUD to book, but redeemable on product. SOOOOOOO looking forward to it :D
I've been studying for the past week or so (with lots of procrastination in between), and I am officially going to hide in a hole until my exams are finished. The sugary goodness of jelly beans have been helping a lot with staying up late!
While I was munching(?) away, I was randomly reminded of my Chi Chi polish set. So I decided to take a break (or waste some time, which ever way you look at it) and take pictures with my new camera. I will do a swatch post once exams are over and I have some free time.

See you on the other side!!